So I generally listen to the radio in the morning on my way to work. I’m always stuck in traffic on MoPac headed North to the office. There are two main station I switch through as I travel the 20+ miles at 5-10 mph. The first one, 101X ( , I like not so much for the music, because the play list is frankly tired and repetitive, but for the on air personalities. These guys are pretty funny especially Jason. The other, KUT (, I like because of Morning Edition and just getting some NEWS in my life. Though many consider this liberal journalism, I still enjoy it.
Anyway, this Wednesday I heard a news segment on NPR from Frank Deford. Frank is the Senior writer at Sports Illustrated magazine. His subject was very topical. If you’ve been reading the news in any for the past 18 months you are aware of the battle brewing between the two camps of Evolution and Intelligent Design. Now I’m not about to get into the definitions. You can Google these yourself. What I thought was a total hoot was the way Frank presented how Golf evolved over the many centuries and comparing this to the two. Listen to this yourself. I’m sure you’ll agree this is too funny.